China Gas Holdings Limited

(the “Company”)

Supplier Code of Conduct


China Gas Group, which comprises China Gas Holdings Limited and its subsidiaries and affiliates worldwide, requires its suppliers to abide by all applicable laws and regulations of the countries and regions where they operate as a condition of partnering with the Group.


This Code of Conduct (the “Code”) applies to all product and/or service providers of China Gas Group.


The Code consists of six sections: Employee Relationship, Health and Safety, Environmental Protection, Business Ethics, Supervision and Inspection, and Date of Adoption.


1.      Employment Relationship

1.1. Suppliers must ensure that all employment is based on employees’ free will. Suppliers shall prohibit employment discrimination on the basis of race, skin color, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and gender preference, ethnic group, disability, pregnancy, religious faith, political faction, association membership, protected genetic information or marital status in aspect of employment, remuneration, promotion, awarding, training opportunity, layoff and so on.

1.2. Suppliers shall not restrict personal liberty, and shall not withhold any identity document.

1.3. Suppliers shall abide by local and national laws and regulations applicable in relation to the minimum working age, and child labour is forbidden.

1.4. Suppliers shall abide by local and national laws and regulations applicable in relation to voluntary employment, and forced labour is forbidden.

1.5. Suppliers shall abide by all laws and regulations applicable in relation to minimum wages, working hours and rest, and all employees’ overtime shall be voluntary.

1.6. Suppliers shall abide by all laws and regulations applicable in relation to freedom of associations and collective bargaining and respect employees’ rights to participate in collective bargaining. Suppliers shall respect these rights. No harassment, intimidation, punishment, interference or retaliation is permitted for interference with these lawful acts.


2.      Health and Safety

2.1. Suppliers shall provide work environments safe and clean. The work environments shall be free of any hazard that severely threatens safety or health, and prevent any major fire or explosion accidents in the workplace and fatal accidents at the operation site.

2.2. Suppliers shall obtain, maintain and renew all the necessary health and safety permits, and abide by related regulations that are applicable.


3.      Environmental Protection

3.1. Suppliers shall acquire, maintain and renew all necessary environmental permits (e.g., the permit for emission monitoring), approval documents and registration certificates, and comply with the requirements on operation and reporting in this regard.

3.2. Suppliers shall comply with all the applicable laws and regulations and clients' requirements in relation to prohibited or restricted goods, take effective measures to prohibit or restrict the use of specific substances in products or/and manufacturing processes. Suppliers shall comply with all the applicable laws and regulations in relation to pollutants (including sewage, exhausted gas and solid waste), including relevant requirements of manufacturing, transportation, storage, treatment, discharge, etc., to reduce or eliminate pollution from the source and to forbid illegal emission of toxic and hazardous pollutants and prevent noise pollution. Suppliers shall adopt preserve resources and use alternatives to reduce their consumption of energy, water, and nature resources for fewer greenhouse gas emissions.

3.3. Suppliers shall carry out or take part in public welfare projects such as those of biodiversity conservation, river cleanup, afforestation, protection of rare species, etc., follow the requirement of no deforestation, and plant grass and trees in soils suitable to be afforested to reduce the time during which soils are left as bare lands.


4.      Business Ethics

4.1. Suppliers are required to formulate anti-corruption policies, and are prohibited from corruption or dishonesty and shall follow the principle of “no nepotism, no bribery, no replacing of high-quality goods with low-quality ones, no corner-cutting, no counterfeit, no commercial fraud, and no default”. Suppliers shall prepare programs to implement, monitor, review, update and revise the policies periodically.

4.2. Suppliers shall promote fair trade and competition for a healthy collaborative relationship.


5.      Supervision and Inspection

5.1. Suppliers shall save relevant documents and records to the extent possible to prove their compliance with the Code and relevant laws, and at the request of China Gas Group, provide relevant documents for the Group or designated inspectors as evidences of compliance. If necessary, China Gas Group will visit the workplace and infrastructure of suppliers for compliance verification.


6.       Date of Adoption

6.1. This policy was issued for implementation in 2023 and will be updated in due course.